
Llangybi Fawr Community Council has completed many projects in the interests of the community. We continue to address issues that are brought to our attention either by governing bodies or by members of the public.

You can find an archive of previous achievements here Archive

In no particular order, below is a list of the work your community council has achieved since the old Llanhennock and Llangybi CC’s were merged together in May 2022 elections:-

30mph Speed Limit : these signs were finally approved and erected along the Top Road Llanhennock in an attempt to slow down the traffic through the village.

Tredunnock’s Telephone Kiosk has moved: Planning permission was sought and gained to move the telephone kiosk ( which is a listed building, so require special consent) up to the centre of Tredunnock village; thanks go to ex- councillor Chivers and Phil Morgan, who worked hard to facilitate the re-positioning.

Broken Footbridge Replaced: A new footbridge was supplied and fitted in Llandegfedd and another was repaired

New Grit Bins: Damaged Grit bins in Llandegfedd and Coed Y Paen were replaced

Council Noticeboards in Llandegfedd and Llangybi were repaired.

A new LFCC noticeboard was erected in the bus stop in Tredunnock

Litter Bin : A new bin was installed by the Millenium bench in Llanhennock, to replace the one previously stolen.

Dual Litter /Dog Waste Bins: Two new dual bins were purchased and installed for litter and dog waste in Llandegfedd.

Defibrillator for Llanhennock: A new defibrillator and heated cabinet were installed on Llanhennock village hall.

Defibrillator Training: Free training sessions were arranged for the use of defibrillators and CPR in Llanhennock, Llangybi, Llandegfedd and Coed Y Paen; these were very useful and well attended. Many thanks to St John Ambulance Association for delivering these classes.

New Footbridge: A broken footbridge across the pond at Castle Mill, Llanhennock was replaced.

Recycling Clothes Bank: A Charity Clothes Bank was installed at Llangybi Village Hall to help us recycle unwanted clothes and fabrics.

King Charles III Coronation Celebrations: Coronation events organised by each of the villages were supported financially and physically by your councillors, as well as funding coronation mugs.

Caerydor Oak Plaque: Following the collapse of the final limb of this great ancient oak tree ( dated to be circa 1300) , a commemorative plaque was erected by the great Caerydor Oak tree in Llanhennock and a short unveiling ceremony took place with the ex-Llanhennock CC councillors.

Potholes : Numerous potholes across the wards have been filled. Whilst we admit that these potholes have not been repaired to the best standard, MCC tell us it is the only option they can afford under their current budget constraints.

Litter Picking : Litter picking equipment has been supplied in the Llangybi Village hall and in the phoneboxes in Llanhennock and Llandegfedd so that our volunteers may use it to keep our lanes litter free. This followed a successful litter picking day on the King’s Coronation weekend.

Verges and Hedges: We constantly persist with MCC to ask them to cut back verges and hedges and to clear debris from our lanes.

Drains, Flooding and Fly-tipping: We are in ongoing communication with the highways department in MCC regarding blocked drains and flooding issues, which are a perennial problem; also fly tipping issues, which are dealt with quite quickly.

Hedge-cutting the Road Junctions: We arrange a local contractor to cut back the junctions along the Usk road into Llanhennock/Tredunnock as a safety precaution to improve visibility pulling out onto the main road.

⦁ Planning Applications: We represent and support your views on many planning applications that are put to MCC – there have been 53 applications since this new LFCC started in May 2022.

Current issues which are in progress include:-

⦁Tredunnock Crossroads Sign : The fingerpost sign at the crossroads in Tredunnock was rotten and about to fall- it is currently being repaired and a new metal post fabricated by the local blacksmith.

⦁ Footpath Volunteer Groups : Due to the large number of footpath issues, broken stiles and signs, we set up a volunteer group, which number over 30 people, and are liaising with the countryside dept at MCC to organise clearing footpaths and repairing furniture. This is an ongoing venture, since otherwise it is clear that MCC do not have funds to keep our footpaths in good condition. A big thankyou to our volunteers, and please feel free to join the group!

Street name plates: Missing street name plates in Llangybi for Kennet Grange and Glan Y Nant have been ordered with MCC.

Sinkhole : The sinkhole in Llandegfedd by the Farmers Arms has been reported to Highways.

Give Way Signs: Give way signs have been requested for the crossroads in Llandegfedd in order to prevent potential vehicle collisions.

Horse Rider Signs: Horse rider signs have been requested for Tre Herbert Road and are awaiting installation.

⦁ Railings over Sor Brook : We have requested that the broken railings over the Sor Brook in Llandegfedd be repaired and a volunteer has offered to paint them for us.

⦁ Japanese knotweed : this is being treated at various locations at our request.